About Me
Vendela loves quality time with her family and close friends, cooking, beach walks, candlelit nights, and finds inspiration in the sea breeze. Follow her on Instagram @VendelaRaquel for a peek at the simple joys that bring much beauty to her life.
Six months after Vendela’s beloved father suddenly passed from heart failure, the Almighty began to paint her pain page by page, capturing her journey to healing in the midst of her broken heart at the age of twenty-three. Over the course of two years, Vendela wrote journal entries during her morning devotions, recording the suffering, healing, and awakening stemming from her loss. With each rising sun, she shared on her Instagram the keys she received from heaven, documenting daily breakthroughs and aha moments, delivering spiritual jewels from her quiet mornings with her Creator where she escaped her world and sat quietly . . . waiting for each key from God. Step into the heart and mind of a suffering soul who, by the grace of God, rose from pain to gain. May each key unlock relief and plant hope in the hearts and minds of people everywhere.
The suffering.
The truth.
The freedom.
The beauty.
Over 100,000 words, years & tears...